Patients diagnosed with a blood cancer are required to make many decisions about their care. They must decide where the care will take place and choose the physician who will take charge of care. They also may be asked to participate in many decisions about treatment. This segment is designed to provide information to assist in these decisions. There are links to other related Web sites that may assist the patient and family.
Treatment approaches for blood cancers may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell or marrow transplantation, or immunotherapy. These treatments are often given as standard care or in a clinical trial. The patient may also seek complementary and alternative therapies. Brief statements and information about each of these topics follow.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, is sometimes used to treat blood-related cancers. This treatment involves giving the patient…
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Chemotherapy is the use of drugs or chemicals, often in combinations, to kill or damage cancer cells in the body. This is why chemotherapy drugs are…
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Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation
Each year 9,000 people in North America undergo stem cell transplantation for Leukemia, Lymphoma or Myeloma. In Singapore the…
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Treatment Centres in Singapore
A list of hospitals and centres in Singapore which provides treatment for Leukemia and other blood-related cancers…
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Newly Diagnosed
People who have recently received a diagnosis of a blood cancer often have questions about the disease, the prognosis and the treatments…
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We are indebted to: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 1311 Mamaroneck Ave.,White Plains, New York 10605 U.S.A. for their very kind permission to publish information from their website.