Patient Support

The Foundation provides medical support, financial support and emotional support to needy patients affected by leukemia, lymphoma and other blood related disorders and their families.

Medical Support

Treatment approaches for Leukemia, Lymphoma and blood related cancers may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell or marrow transplantation, or immunotherapy. These treatments are often given as standard care or in a clinical trial. The patient may also seek complementary and alternative therapies. We can refer you to experienced doctors and clinical institutions which specialize in these areas. The Foundation will setup its own consulting and care centre primarily for free consultation. The centre will also serve as our support and counselling division.

Please visit our Disease Information and Treatment Information pages for a better understanding of blood cancers and help available in Singapore.

Financial Support

Treatment and cure of leukemia is an expensive procedure and the cost of treatment is in the range of $70,000 to $100,000 per patient. We offer financial assistance to needy residents of Singapore and help them to lead a normal life and contribute to the society.

Emotional Support

The Foundation is in the process of establishing a patient-care group to provide counselling and emotional support to the patients and their families. If you are interested in volunteering your time and expertise in support of the Foundation, please Contact Us.

Procedure for obtaining Financial Assistance

Financial assistance shall be extended to needy patients who are citizens or permanent residents of Singapore.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation (LLF) relies on recommendations of treatments and cure by patients’ doctors together with means test reports and recommendations of medical social workers from the respective hospitals to determine the subsidies. However, LLF shall reserve its right to decide on eligibility and quantum of the subsidies.

The procedures for approving patient subsidies have been formalized in 2005 as follows:

1.1 Pre-requisite for application of financial assistance:

  • Patient must be Singapore citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident.
  • Patient is being treated in a Singapore government hospital or government restructured hospital.
  • Applications must be accompanied by means tests conducted by a qualified medical social worker or by LLF.

1.2 Applications may be made directly to the LLF by the patient or through Medical Social Worker (“MSW”) from the hospitals.

1.3 LLF Board will consider each application and grant the subsidies accordingly. The Board may at its sole discretion approve full amount requested, grant partial subsidy or reject the application.

1.4 Upon approval, a Letter of Guarantee from LLF shall be sent to the hospital at which the patient is being treated. The Letter of Guarantee states the amount of financial assistance for the said patient and the specific treatment, drug and/or care costs that are being subsidized.

1.5 Prior to payment, LLF shall verify all invoices for claims related to financial assistance granted to patients. Invoices must provide detailed breakdown of charges and payments will only be made for those charges that had been previously approved.